
作者&投稿:菜枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

蹉跎岁月是一个汉语成语,读音为cuō tuó suì yuè,蹉跎:时光白白过去。把时光白白地耽误过去。指虚度光阴。常被误用来形容“岁月艰难、艰苦”,出自晋·阮籍《咏怀》诗:“娱乐未终极,白日忽蹉跎。”


  • 中文名 :蹉跎岁月
  • 外文名 :the wasted time
  • 创作年代 :晋代
  • 出处 :晋·阮籍《咏怀》诗
  • 体裁 :文言文


【解音】:cuō tuó suì yuè 【解释】:蹉跎:时光白白过去。把时光白白地耽误过去。指虚度光阴。常被误用来形容“岁月艰难、艰苦”,误用作“峥嵘岁月”。 【出处】:晋·阮籍《咏怀》诗:“娱乐未终极,白日忽蹉跎。” 【示例】:倘我不能报复而死,埋没了龙家的豹韬,枉~一死鸿毛。 ◎明·张凤翼《灌园记·君后授衣》 【近义词】:虚度年华、马齿徒增 【反义词】:分秒必争、夜以继日 历史图片:蹉跎岁月 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义,形容虚度光阴 【故事】: 唐朝时期,诗人李颀40岁中进士,任新乡县令,后官场不得志就辞官归隐,专门从事诗歌创作,朋友魏万去京城应试求取功名,他作赠别诗《送魏万之京》:“关城曙色催寒近,御苑砧声向晚多。莫见长安行乐处,空令岁月易蹉跎。”



let years and months slip by -- waste one's time;spend one's life in fruitless efforts;let time slip by without aomplishing anything;idle away one's time;


蹉跎岁月,泪水与孤寂中,安然的走出,是勇气还是生命的顽强? Waste time, tears with lonely medium, come out safely, is a courage or a life of stubborn? 在切尔西蹉跎岁月的两年令核弹头荒废了武功,所以舍瓦今天的表现才难能可贵。 Chelsea wasted time in o years abandoned the ability to make nuclear warheads, so today, cheval only commendableperformance. “光阴似箭(时光流逝),不亦然乎?我们以前蹉跎岁月,时间仿佛就是昨天” "Time flies, doesn't it? Time seems like only yesterday we were letting it all hang out" 秋风呼啸,大街上偶遇多年不见好友,寒暄中才知自己又增添了几多华发,时光如水,蹉跎岁月在不经意间一去不复返了。 The autumn wind howls, on the avenue meets by chance many years not to see the good friend, exchanged greetings onlythen knows itself to increase more than several white hairs to send, the time like water, idled one's time away in has neverto returned carelessly. 如果你认为自己还年轻,还可以蹉跎岁月的话,你终将一事无成,只能老来叹息。 If you think you are young, you can waste a years, you will eventually aomplish nothing, only old sigh. 此刻去喜欢一个女孩子是因为你的 *** 的空虚,更是因为人生的方针不明晰,细心的想,人生很短暂,不到三十六万五千个小时,很惊人的短暂,不要蹉跎岁月,先问自己为什么在世? To like a girl at the moment is empty because of your passion, it is not clear because of the principle of life, carefulthought, life is very short, less than three hundred sixty-five thousand hours, it is amazing short do not wasted years, firstask yourself why you alive?


开头相同 蹉跎自误 蹉踬 蹉跎 蹉对 蹉动 蹉雹 蹉跎日月 蹉躟 蹉失 蹉跎时日 蹉蹉 蹉蹋 蹉过 蹉路 蹉跌 蹉败 蹉踏 结尾相同 跌蹉 爬蹉 跎蹉 跮蹉 平蹉